I've Finally Started A YouTube Channel

Well, can you believe it I actually took myself out of my comfort zone and started my very own YouTube Channel here?? 

This is something I've been wanting to do for quite some time but never really got around to doing it. However, the little munchkin convinced me because he wants me to vlog and document not only the rest of my pregnancy but our family days out and the baby's arrival. I also thought it would be a great way to talk about things that might otherwise be too long to write in a blog post. 

Sometimes I do feel a blog post can be too long and readers may skim read or even get bored halfway through so a quick video could cover everything I want to say in that moment.

I currently have 2 videos up, and 11 subscribers which is amazing. It's only been about a week aswell. I've not been promoting it too much as I don't really have an uploading schedule. I'm currently trying to get a video up at least once every 2 weeks and then of course build a schedule from there. 

I thought I'd share my videos with you. And the link is above if you'd like to subscribe to my channel, I would be very happy and appreciate it. I'm also in the process of making and editing a new video to be uploaded this week. 

This is such a nerve wracking but exciting journey for me and I really hope that you can join me and enjoy the ride. 

Thank you so much for watching and subscribing. I will have some fab little videos going up over the coming weeks so keep your eyes peeled for those. 

Lots of Love

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