Saturday 22 December 2018

The Christmas Tag

I'm finally getting round to doing a Christmas post that's not an advent calendar opening! I'm doing The Christmas Tag. Thank you so much to the lovely Molly for tagging me. 

Please go show Molly some love and check out her own post and her blog too. Hope you don't mind, Molly I've pinched your tree!  

1.What is your favourite thing about Christmas?
What's not to love about Christmas??? I don't have a specific favourite thing as I love everything! I'm such a big kid at heart so love making sure the kids find it as magical and fun as possible. 

2. Does it snow in your country? 
Sometimes, just not around Christmas usually between the months of January-March. We used to get White Christmas' when I was a child.

3. Does your country/family have any cultural Christmas traditions? 
Unfortunately not, but I do love seeing what other families do. 

4. What is your best Christmas related memory?
Too many to choose from if I'm honest, I have loads of great childhood ones and ones with my family now.

5. If you could invite any 5 people in the entire world to have Christmas dinner with you who would you invite?
What a great question, but I really wouldn't know where to start answering this one....Plus my mind has gone totally blank!! 

6. What is the best present you have ever received?
I'm not quite sure, think I'm still waiting for that one from the OH......nudge, nudge, wink, wink! Maybe a nice ring.....Hahaha!! 

7. What is the worst present you have ever received?
I don't think I've ever recieved a gift and thought I don't like that if I'm honest. 

8. What does your normal Christmas Day look like?
We get up when the kids wake up, head downstairs and do our present openings. Have breakfast then we all go and get washed and dressed into our Christmas jumpers. My parents usually come round with presents so we open those, then head to my sisters with her gifts and stay there for a bit. We head to the local pub for a few drinks. Back home to eat dinner, play games, have a few more drinks and watch the Christmas specials on TV. 

9. What is your favourite food to eat on Christmas day?
My Christmas Dinner with all the trimmings and then a nice pudding afterwards. I love being in that food induced coma afterwards where you all just chill on the sofa before playing games.

10. What is your favourite Christmas song of all time?
I don't really have one favourite Christmas song but I do love a good Christmas playlist full of great Christmas songs like White Christmas, Frosty The Snowman, etc 

11. If you could spend Christmas in any other country other than your own where would you spend it?
I'm all about somewhere cold that gives you that festive feeling, I've spoken to the OH about maybe spending Christmas away in a little cosy cottage or lodge in Scotland with the family. 

12. Do you go all out and decorate your entire house/outside of your house? 
If I had it my way my house would be like Santa's Grotto and there would be glitter and decorations and lights everywhere but unfortunately I live with The Grinch so just a tree and a few decorations is as mad as I get these days! Haha!

Here's my questions: 
1. What's your favourite all time Christmas movie??
2. What are your family Christmas Traditions??
3. What have you asked Santa for this year?? 
4. Let me see your decorations, tag a photo. Do you like your theme or would you prefer to change it?
5. What's on your Christmas dinner plate?? 
6. Do you have a favourite Christmas recipe??
7. Who do you usually spend Christmas day with??
8. Do you make New Years Resolutions??
9. Do you dress up in Christmas jumpers or have a certain outfit you like to wear?? 
10. What's your favourite Christmas DIY??
11. Are you super organised or a last minute shopper?? 
12. What's your Christmas day routine??

I'm tagging: Bren, Kayleigh, Hanna Mai and Bailey Leah

Well that's it for my Christmas Tag! Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed it. Thank you again to Molly for tagging me, please make sure you check out her blog & show her some love! 

Lots of Love


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